
watching you (s)leap

RIF/FIR video still by Arjan Vanmeenen


Mockumenting Paranoia

video  (2011) || 23min voice overs by Emi Kodama and Adel Souto || single screen || color || B&W || stereo

RIF/FIR (Resistance is Futile/ Futility is Resistance) centers around the influence of cinema on our collective memory and as an extension the construction of our sense of reality.

RIF/FIR is a hybrid between mockumentary, vlogging, ballyhoo and appropriation. It is a collection of short videos, voice narrated in the tradition of documentaries, however exclusively relying on public domain and stock footage as its visual counterpart. The content of this mockumentary is stitched together from opening and closing lines of movies, combined with crackpot paranoid conspiracy theories, gradually subverting both reality and cinema.