
watching you (s)leap

dream stream installation by Arjan Vanmeenen


Dream Stream

Since 2007 I’ve been collecting audio recordings of people recalling their most memorable dreams. I collect these audio letters from people all over the world. The recordings are then archived (the full narrative, from start to finish, is for my ears only). I use only fragments of these strange stories to make ‘Dream Stream’ compositions. These compositions or ‘streams’ are different at each presentation. They are not only infused with new dream donations over time, but also always remixed so that it is impossible to hear the same stream more than once. Moreover: each listener walks away from the streams with interpretations that are shaped/mutated by their own perceptions. 
You can listen to a short clip here.

Even if you have trouble recalling your dreams, you can still participate by relaying one that someone else shared with you.

Anyone is invited to participate, regardless of age, nationality or language. All submissions are welcome, so feel free to involve your friends, family (including children), neighbors or colleagues.

Feel like having a part in this ongoing creation? – Read on for specific details on how to donate a dream to the archive.


Make an audio recording (preferably WAV or MP3) in which you state:
– Your (nick)name, age, location, date and time of recording.
– Why you choose to participate.
– Your most memorable dream in your native language/dialect.
– A second version of the same recording in English or Dutch (if the first version is in another language).
Please note: this data is just for me, your dream will be used anonymously. 


  • Make the recording in a quiet place. That means no music, TV, voices, traffic or other ambient sounds in the background (for example from a noisy fridge or open window).
  • Avoid other unwanted sounds interfering with your recording: keep the microphone/device stationary and sit still in your seat. Do not move the microphone around or make motions around the microphone. Keep in mind that fidgeting can create unwanted sounds from your clothes rustling or your chair squeaking. You may not notice these random sounds, but the microphone will record them.
  • There is no need to worry about making mistakes. The process of recalling a dream may not seem easy, and might even feel confusing. If you think you need to correct yourself, just repeat the previous sentence(s) as many times you feel you need to while continuing the flow of the recording. There is no need to stop mid-stream and start over and over. I do all the editing so you don’t have to.

If the size of the recording is below 25mb you can mail it to dreamstreamdream AT gmail.com
In case your file is larger, you can use wetransfer and direct it to the same email.

In the years since I initiated this project, I’ve shown multiple variations on the work in a thematically diverse range of exhibits such as as Happy New Ears (Courtrai), European Media Art Festival (Osnabrück), Testlab (Tilburg), and Week van de Klank (Brussels). If you wish to be notified about the next Dream Stream presentation, just (add it to your) email.

Thanks for considering contributing your unique story and voice!
Hope to hear (from) you soon!